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ATTREX 02/07/13 Daily Schedule

2/7 Accomplishments:
GWAS determined their pump problem was a frozen bearing.  They think it was because the pump got too hot so they're going to use thermistors to monitor the pump's temperature.
While addressing a noisy pressure sensor NOAA UCATS got indications of a failing mercury lamp.  Pressure sensor was changed, lamp is on the way to be changed tomorrow afternoon
Got approval from all of those required to attempt a Saturday/Sunday science flight.

Full NOAA UCATS contingent (01.26.13)

NOAA/NASA (DLH) collaboration (01.26.13)

Chris Naftel doing a presentation for the "social media" crowd (01.25.13)

The "traditional media" crowd (01.25.13)

PM Friar Tuck (AKA Dave Jordan)

Aircraft lowered from jacks (01.16.13)

HUPCRS preflight work (01.16.13)

GWAS downloading data after CST (01.15.13)


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