NSRC Mission Tools Suite for Education

K-12 Classroom Involvement in NASA Airborne Science Missions

NASA Airborne Science Program

Mission Tools Suite for K-12 Classrooms is a unique opportunity for students and teachers to connect with ongoing Earth Science research campaigns.  The Mission Tools Suite (MTS) is web-based software used by mission personnel to monitor and assist with real-time decision making during the course of an Airborne Science mission.  The Airborne Science Program has created a scaled down version of the tool called MTS for Education (MTSE), which is aimed at supporting core K-12 classroom science curriculum.

The screenshots (above) show how the Mission Tools Suite for Education website appeared during the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) campaign.  Students were able to watch a live camera feed from the Global Hawk aircraft, track the plane's location near Hurricane Nadine, and text chat live with HS3 mission scientists, pilots, and Airborne Science educational staff.

MTSE has connected over 10,000 students in 75 schools in 23 US states, Mexico, Canada, Guam, South Korea, and Chile with NASA Airborne Science missions around the world including the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel, Operation IceBridge in the Arctic and Antarctic, DISCOVER-AQ in California and Houston, the Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX) in Guam, and the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) in Canada.

Upcoming missions:

Operation IceBridge Antarctica (October 2018)

Chat live with NASA scientists and engineers onboard the NASA P-3 as they fly over the Arctic mapping glaciers, ice sheets, and sea ice with a suite of sophisticated instruments.

For more information and to connect your classroom with NASA Airborne Science missions all over the world, email Dr. Emily Schaller (emily.schaller@nasa.gov).


Watch a video about MTSE here: 
