Atmospheric Environment: Reviewer Reference


Timely review is vital to the publication process. Please provide your review in any type-written format convenient to you. Response by e-mail (editornorthamerica@yahoo.comis preferred. If you (or a designated colleague) are unable to review a paper within about three weeks, please send it back, preferably with suggestions for possible alternative reviewers.

Please recommend acceptance or rejection on the basis of the points listed below:

  • Is the subject matter relevant to the scope of the journal?
  • Is this a new and original contribution?
  • Are the techniques of data collection and interpretation sound?
  • Are the conclusions drawn justified by the data?
  • Are any parts of this work substantially duplicative of previous work?
  • Are the presentation, organization and length satisfactory?
  • Are illustrations and tables necessary and clearly presented?
  • Do the title and the abstract adequately define the content of the paper?
  • Are the listed references representative of related work by others in the field?
  • Are there too many self citations?
  • Do you believe that another opinion on the merits of this manuscript should be sought?
  • Should this manuscript be accepted, rejected, or accepted after modifications?
  • Do you wish to see the revised manuscript (along with all reviewer comments and author response) prior to any final decision by the editor?