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Home > The Joint Aerosol– Monsoon Experiment: A New Challenge for Monsoon Climate...
The Joint Aerosol– Monsoon Experiment: A New Challenge for Monsoon Climate...
Lau, W., V. Ramanathan, G.-X. Wu, Z. Li, S. Tsay, N. C. Hsu, R. Sikka, B. Holben, D. Lu, G. Tartari, M. Chin, P. Koudelova, H. Chen, Y. Ma, J. Huang, K. Taniguchi, and R. Zhang (2008), The Joint Aerosol– Monsoon Experiment: A New Challenge for Monsoon Climate Research, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 369-383.
Understanding the physical processes responsible for aerosol– monsoon water cycle interactions is fundamental to improving prediction and enhancing vigilance of climatic hazards in the Asian monsoon region.