S-MODE 04/28/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day for Friday, April 28:

  • Both the B200 and G-III flew today. The optical instruments finally got a very clear day, and the winds were cooperating for DopplerScatt!
  • Continuing to sample in the same area, a small (submesoscale) section of what we refer to as SWOTland, or within the swath of the SWOT satellite.

 Aircraft plan and schedule:

  • NET 1000: G-III SF#8 takeoff
  • 1130: Preflight meeting for B200 SF#21
  • NET 1300: B200 SF #21 takeoff
  • Aircraft operations will conclude after Saturday’s flights

 Ship and in situ plan:

  • The Sally Ride will continue to deploy drifters, recover and redeploy Lagrangian floats, and may look to recover some Seagliders to the east tomorrow morning after the CTD station.
  • Array of Wave Gliders will need to reposition daily, following the front. Their lines have been shortened from 12 km to 8 km. 
  • The ship is expected to leave the operations area Tuesday, May 2 by 1800L.

 Meeting schedule: