S-MODE 04/27/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the S-MODE Plan of the Day for Thursday, April 27:

  • The MASS Twin Otter flew its twelfth and final science flight of the S-MODE IOP-2 campaign. Thank you to Luc L, Luke C, Nick S, Brent, and Vince for your tireless work!!
  • The B200 flew today with DopplerScatt, but low clouds prevented MOSES data collection and a G-III flight with PRISM.
  • The Sally Ride continued their “W” experiment to measure vertical velocity.

 Aircraft plan and schedule:

  • The B200 and G-III are aiming to fly their final science flights tomorrow through Saturday, with aircraft operations concluding after Saturday’s flights.
  • NET 1030: G-III SF#7 takeoff
  • 1130: Preflight meeting for B200 SF#20
  • NET 1300: B200 SF #20 takeoff

 Ship and in situ plan:

  • The weekend weather is looking better for the Sally Ride, so the plan is to continue collecting data in the area of interest after aircraft ops are complete with gliders, floats, and drifters.
  • The ship is expected to leave the operations area Tuesday, May 2 by 1800L.

 Meeting schedule: