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AFRC B200 in the N248 hangar at Moffett Field

S-MODE 04/06/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the S-MODE Plan of the Day for Thursday, April 6 (all times Pacific).

  • The B200 arrived at Moffett Field today at ~1530. The team is aiming for an 0800 takeoff tomorrow to log their first science flight of the campaign.
  • Weather for the remainder of the week is marginal for a B200 science flight, due to light winds and cloud cover. If the skies lift, MOSES SST data collection is a possibility, even if DopplerScatt data is poor.

 Aircraft schedule:

Eagerly Awaiting the B200

S-MODE 04/05/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the S-MODE Plan of the Day for Wednesday, April 5.

  • The B200 experienced a landing gear indicator light issue that prevented its transit to Moffett Field.
  • We will have an update on B200 aircraft status by 0830 tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 5 (all times Pacific)

Aircraft schedule:

  • Possible morning B200 transit to Moffett Field
  • Possible afternoon science flight (B200 SF#1)

Meeting schedule:

Wave Gliders on the Move

S-MODE 04/04/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the first Plan of the Day for S-MODE IOP-2 field operations!
Tuesday, April 4 (all times Pacific)
Aircraft schedule:

  • 0930:  B200 departs Edwards AFB
  • ~1100:  B200 arrives at Moffett Field
  • 1215:  Preflight meeting for B200 SF1 
  • ~1400:  B200 SF1 takeoff

 Ship and in situ plan:

Wind work at the air-sea interface: a modeling study in anticipation of future space missions

Torres, H., et al. (2022), Wind work at the air-sea interface: a modeling study in anticipation of future space missions, Geosci. Model. Dev., doi:10.5194/gmd-15-8041-2022.


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