The Airborne Science Instrument Database provides details on the science instruments that have been used as part of NASA-funded airborne research.

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Currently displayed: instruments 21 - 40 of 177.

Title Acronymsort ascending Contact Person Aircraft Type Measurements
Rosemount Icing Detector RICE Andrew Heymsfield (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF Cloud Liquid Water Content
Research Environment for Vehicle-Embedded Analysis on Linux REVEAL Lawrence C. Freudinger (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, WB-57 - JSC Navigation recorder Aircraft position
Radiometric Measurement System RAMS Francisco Valero (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC Radiometer Solar flux
Quantum Cascade Laser System QCLS Bruce Daube (PI) NCAR G-V, NOAA P-3, DC-8 - AFRC Laser absorption CO2, CO, CH4, N2O
Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometer PTR-MS Armin Wisthaler (PI) C-130H - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF Spectrometer (in situ) CH3CHO, (CH3)2CO, CH3CN, C6H6, C4H4O, C5H8, CH3OH, MVK, C7H8, Particle Composition
Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer - C/X Band PSR/CX Al Gasiewski (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Proteus, WB-57 - JSC Radiometer Brightness Temperature, Soil Moisture, Sea Ice Surface Elevation
Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer - Original Scanhead PSR/A Al Gasiewski (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Proteus, WB-57 - JSC Radiometer Brightness Temperature
Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer PSR Al Gasiewski (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Proteus, WB-57 - JSC Radiometer Brightness Temperature
Dual-Frequency Airborne Precipitation Radar PR-2 Eastwood Im (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Radar Doppler radar backscatter
Applanix POS System POS AV Lee Thornhill (PI) B200 - LARC, Caravan, Cessna 402B, DC-8 - AFRC, J-31, WB-57 - JSC Navigation recorder Aircraft position
URI Peroxides and Formaldehyde Instrument POPS Brian Heikes (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Fluorescence H2O2, CH3OOH, CH2O
Polarimetric Ku-Band Scatterometer PolSCAT Steven J Dinardo (PI) C-130H - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Twin Otter - GRC Radar, Scatterometer Radar backscatter
Precipitation Imaging Probe PIP Andrew Heymsfield (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Particle imager, Spectrometer Particle size distribution
Particle Into Liquid Sampler PILS Rodney Weber (PI) C-130H - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF Ion Chromatography Na, NH4, K, Mg, Ca+2, Cl, NO2, NO3, SO4, PO4, Br-, WSOC
Polarized Imaging Nephelometer PI-Neph J. Vanderlei Martins (PI) B200 - LARC, DC-8 - AFRC Aerosol
Sandia National Laboratory 2-channel Radiometer PHOT Dick Spalding (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Photometer, Radiometer Brightness Temperature
Programmable Flask Package Whole Air Sampler PFP Stephen (Steve) Montzka (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Whole Air Sampling N2O, SF6, H2, CS2, OCS, CO2, CH4, CO, CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, Solvents, Methyl Halides, Hydrocarbons, Perfluorocarbons
PAN and Trace Hydrohalocarbon ExpeRiment PANTHER James W. Elkins (Co-I) DC-8 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC Gas chromatography (CH3)2CO, PAN, H2, CH4, CO, N2O, SF6, CFCl3, CF2Cl2, Halon-1211
PeroxyAcetylNitrate, Aldehydes and Ketones PANAK Hanwant Singh (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Gas chromatography PPN, PAN, MEK, IPN, HCN, CH3OH, CH3NO3, CH3CN, CH3CHO, CH3CH2CHO, C2H5OH, C2H5NO3, C2Cl4, (CH3)2CO
PAN CIMS Instrument by Georgia Tech and NCAR PAN-CIGAR L. Greg Huey (PI) C-130H - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF CIMS PAN, PPN, PiBN, PnBN, PBzN, MoPAN, APAN, MPAN


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