395 1001 Jacob, D. J. , G. M. Gardner, L. Jaegle Harvard University, Cambridge comments file SONEX 1 1 1997 10 28 1998 08 18 0 Midpoint of sampling interval in elapsed UTseconds of flight date 1 1.00 999999. LAT-DADS ; (deg ) 0 380 ============================================================================== comments from file dp971028.da1 ============================================================================== Flight number 97-10-28 Pr Air E-W N-S Radar UT Alt Lat Long Speed Vel Vel Hdg Ptch Roll Alt ============================================================================== comments from file ac971028.da1 ============================================================================== "Species mixing ratios are reported in parts per trillion by volume, except for Mixing ratio below limit of detection indicated as 88888. Start and stop times (in Universal Time) for individual samples are reported in elapsed seconds from 0:00 z of the day of takeoff. Average uncertainties in mixing ratios are as follows: "NO3 20%, SO4 13%, C2O4 10%, NH4 15%, K 20%, Mg 10%, " "Ca 10%, Be-7 15%, Pb-210 20%. " Please note that it is not possible to use these data on time scales shorter than reported here. The most useful and appropriate method of comparing the UNH aerosol data to other SUCCESS data is to average the higher resolution measurements over the reported aerosol sampling time intervals. Direct questions about these data to R. Talbot or J. Dibb at: "Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, " "Morse Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. " e-mail: rwt@christa.unh.edu or jed@unh.edu ============================================================================== comments from file ag971028.da1 ============================================================================== Species mixing ratios are reported in parts per trillion by volume (pptv). Species mixing ratio below stated limit of detection is indicated by 88888. Start and stop times (in Universal Time) for individual samples are reported in seconds of the day (1 day = 86400 sec.). Average uncertainties in mixing ratios are as follows: HNO3 (< 30 pptv +/- 35%; 30 - 100 pptv +/- 25%; >100 pptv +/- 20%); HCOOH (<100 pptv +/- 30% ;>100 pptv +/- 20%; CH3COOH (<100 pptv +/- 35%, >100 pptv +/- 20%). Absolute accuracy of pptv values is unknown, but we believe it to be +/- 10 - 20 Direct questions about these data to R. Talbot or J. Dibb at: Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, Morse Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. E-mail: robert.talbot@unh.edu or jack.dibb@unh.edu ============================================================================== comments from file az971028.da1 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== comments from file cn971028.da1 ============================================================================== START OF COMMENTS COMMENT 1: Ultra-Fine Aerosol measured using TSI model 3025 CNC; Size range for SONEX is >0.004 to 1 micron diameter; Lower detectiion limit for this flight based on only 1 aerosol detected in a 1-second averaging period is 9.73 COMMENT 2: Fine-Aerosol was measured using two TSI model 3760 CNCs; Size range for SONEX is >0.015 to 1 micron diameter; Heated Fine-Aerosol CNC samples are heated in the inlet to 250 degrees C; Lower detectiion limit for this flight based on only 1 aerosol detected in a 1-second averaging period is 0.20 COMMENT 3: Ratio is stated as 9's (Invalid) when (1) no heat was used, (2) heating cycle was in transition, or (3) data are invalid. UT_Time Ultra Fine UnHtd Fine Htd Ratio ------- -------- ---------- -------- ------- ============================================================================== comments from file da971028.da1 ============================================================================== DATA SUBMITTED ARE 1 SECOND AVERAGES TIME IS DADS TIME START OF INTERVAL UTSecs CO(PPBV) CH4(PPBV) N2O(PPBV) CO2(PPMV) ============================================================================== comments from file dm971028.da1 ============================================================================== These data are from operational aircraft instruments which are not maintained at the level required for exacting calculations. We suggest you obtain the meteorological data from other PI-maintained instruments, when they are available. ** Note: The Data Validity Flag for the 3-stage hygrometer data 0 = data is valid 3 = invalid data 4 = max.cooling (operator-commanded) 8 = max.heating (operator-commanded) ** Note: The Data Validity Flag for the 2-stage hygrometer data 0 = data is valid 1 = max.cooling (internal) 2 = max heating (internal) 4 = max.cooling (operator-commanded) 5 = max.cooling (commanded and internal) 6 = max.cooling (commanded) and max.heating (internal) Flight number 97-10-28 Air Pot E-W N-S Tsfc D/F-P3 D/F-P2 Solar UT Pr Temp Temp Wind Wind (IR) Temp F Temp F Zenith ============================================================================== comments from file ms971028.da1 ============================================================================== Comments for this flight: Calibration source: in-flight HNO3 permeation tube cals throughout flight Comparison to UNH HNO3: Some trends agree well, but there are notable differenc Comments for entire CIMS Final Data Set: Time dependence of permeation tube emission rate has been included 5% correction of tube center flow to average flow rate has been included Deconvolution of adjacent ion peaks has been done using least squares peak fitti Instrumental background count rate ("dark" counts) has been subtracted No additional background subtraction (e.g. to correct wall outgassing) for HNO3 Data are ten second averages - time listed is end of integration period One-second data can be provided as requested for specific times Calibrations have been replaced with missing data codes; altitude transitions ar SO2 sensitivity based on HNO3 permeation tube calibrations and k(HNO3) / k(SO2) UT(sec) HNO3 SO2 ============================================================================== comments from file fp971028.da1 ============================================================================== System calibration is in progress, final data will be released in the near future. At the current data revision, vertical wind (W) precision is within specification; however the absolute value is showing an erronous correlation with TAS and altitude. EGI navigation data, temperature compensated pressures, dynamic pressure Q (29) 1Hz data are desampled from 5Hz data. 5Hz data file is available upon request, containing: GMTS,Psta,Tsta,TAS, U,V,W,TURB,LAT,LONG,PALT,POT,ROLL,HDG,PIT,Ydot,Xdot,Zdot,Q,YAW,AOA,MACH, Zdotdot,YAWdp,AOAdp. (approx. 3 Mbyte per flight hour) C:\sonex.cv\d_971028.cv UT P_ALT LAT LONG TAS ============================================================================== comments from file hf971028.da1 ============================================================================== data for exchange reported data is not positive definite negative values denote lower limit of detection or upper limit of detection Formaldehyde measurements used the method of Lazrus, et al., 1988. data below detection limit, ch2o=50, reported as -888 data greater than that which is recordable is reported as -777 mid start stop ch2o ============================================================================== comments from file hx971028.da1 ============================================================================== data for exchange reported data is not positive definite negative values denote lower limit of detection or upper limit of detection Peroxide measurements used the method of Lee et al., JAOTech., 1995. data below detection limit ( h2o2=15; ch3ooh=25 pptv ) reported as -888 data greater than that which is recordable is reported as -777 mid start stop h2o2 ch3ooh ============================================================================== comments from file jv971028.da1 ============================================================================== The quantities reported in this file are the photolysis frequencies (or pho- tolysis rate coefficients or J-values) of 11 photolysis reactions. The method used for these measurements was scanning actinic flux spectroradiometry. Calibration was based on NIST traceable QTH lamps. A preliminary estimate of the instrumental uncertainty of the spectroradiometer technique is 12%. Mo- lecular data used in the calculations was as follows: NO2 sigma: [JPL-94]-temp. below 232 K treated like 232 K phi: [JPL-94] O3 sigma: [Molina and Molina 1986]: linear regression between 226 K and 263 K resp. between 263 K and 298 K temp. below 230 K treated like 230 K phi: [Talukdar et al. 1998]: between 320 K and 203 K: 0.06+A*exp(-B/T) temp. above 320 K treated like 320 K temp. below 203 K treated like 203 K HONO sigma: [JPL-94] phi: unity HNO3 sigma: [Burkholder et al. 1993] phi: unity H2O2 sigma: [JPL-94] phi: unity CH2O sigma: [Cantrell et al. 1990] parametr. of temp. dep. temp.: below 223 K treated like 223 K phi: Evaluation by Sasha Madronich [priv. comm.] using data from: [Moortgat et al. 1983] and [Horowitz and Calvert 1978] CH3OOH sigma: [JPL-94] phi: unity CH3ONO2 sigma: [Talukdar et al. 1997] phi: unity CH3CH2ONO2 sigma: [Talukdar et al. 1997] phi: unity CH3COCH3 sigma: [Gierczak et al. 1998] phi: [Gierczak et al. 1998] PAN sigma: [Talukdar et al. 1995] phi: unity Temperatures used for temperature dependent cross section and quantum yield data are "Static Air Temperature" from the DADS data files. Pressures used for pressure dependent cross section and quantum yield data are also from the DADS data files. The given lower limits of detection are the 2-sigma values of the dark current. All data points taken are included, i.e. no outlier screening or smoothing has been applied to these data. Use of this data requires permission from the PIs. ============================================================================== comments from file lh971028.da1 ============================================================================== DATA RECORDED 1/20 SECOND TIME INTERVALS: DATA SUBMITTED ARE 1 SECOND AVERAGES: UTSecs H2O(PPMV) ============================================================================== comments from file mp971028.da1 ============================================================================== This data is based on a FINAL CALIBRATION. RMS performance given below is based 14 RAOB intercomparisons from the 2 cross-country SONEX flights. No timing corrections are needed (per Eiler's e-mail of 12/19/97). All altitudes are pressure altitudes. PALT = A/C 's pressure altitude. Here's a brief free-form tutorial on how to decipher the MTP data: Data groups consist of the following group of lines per 16-second observing cycle. First line is: UTSEC, # alt's in following table, Pressure Altitude, Pitch, Roll, Outside air temp (K), tropopause altitude #1 (km), tropopause altitude #2 (km) [if present], potential temperatures of tropopause #1 and #2 (4-cycle average), latitude, longitude, & lapse rate near flight level. The 1-liners (for each cycle) can be stripped & imported into a spreadsheet for convenient plotting of trop altitude, lapse rate, etc. The tropopause altitudes are calculated by cubic spline interpolation of the retrieved altitudes using the WMO definition (that is, trop #1 is lowest altitude where average lapse rate > -2 K/km from initial -2 K/km point to any point within 2 km; trop #2 occurs above first trop after lapse rate is < -3K/km for >1 km, and then first trop definition applies, possibly from within the 1 km region.) NB. Times are corrected per Timing Memo of 981219. Remaining set of lines for each cycle consist of 5 columns: col#1 is pressure altitude (units of 10 m), & col#2 is temperature from MTP (units of 0.1 K), col#3 is geometric altitude (units of 10 meters), based on DADS GPS (units of 10 m), col#5 is molecular air density [1E+21/m3]. ============================================================================== comments from file nu971028.da1 ============================================================================== Flight # 9 *Time correction (flights 4-8): UT times have been corrected per SONEX Timing Memo of 12/19/97. *General comments: Although the 1 Hz data for NO and NOy are reported here, variations within short time periods are mostly due to fluctuations in the measurements. The 1 Hz data should be useful for investigating the rapid changes of NO and NOy, such as spikes due to aircraft emissions. However, averaging for a time period of more than 10 seconds for other analyses is generally recommended. *Address: Yutaka Kondo Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University 3-13, Honohara, Toyokawa, Aichi, 442-8507, Japan phone:+81-533-89-5156, fax:+81-533-89-5161 e-mail:kondo@stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp UT_Sec NO NOy ============================================================================== comments from file o3971028.da1 ============================================================================== The 1-Hz ozone data has not been corrected for water vapor quenching. For the SONEX mission, locations, and time of year -- the quenching correction is negligible at altitudes greater than 6000 feet. Below 6000 feet the correction factor, a function of dew point temperature and atmospheric pressure, ranges from approximately 1.015 to 1.065. An average quenching factor of 1.04 may be applied to the lower altitude data using the equation: TRUE Ozone (ppbv) = FILE Ozone * 1.04. Thus, 25 ppbv ozone becomes 26 ppbv. UT_Time O3 -------- ------ ============================================================================== comments from file oh971028.da1 ============================================================================== These data are 20-second averaged data. The timestamp is at the 10th second of the interval. Under some conditions, typically at night or under heavy cloud decks, it is advisable to use a longer averaging interval. The absolute uncertainty is estimated to be about 40%-50%. Time (UTs) OH (pptv) HO2(pptv) ============================================================================== comments from file pn971028.da1 ============================================================================== final data mixing ratio below limit of detection indicated as 8888 time listed is midpoint of sampling period; sampling period is 120 seconds for PAN and PPN, overall accuracy is the greater of +/-1pptv or +/-20% for C2Cl4, overall accuracy is the greater of +/-0.5pptv or +/-10% for Methyl Nitrate and Ethyl/i-Propyl Nitrate, overall accuracy is the greater o the "S_" before the species name is to designate Singh GMT S_PAN S_PPN S_C2Cl4 S_Methyl_Nitrate S_Ethyl/i-Propyl_Nitrate ============================================================================== comments from file ak971028.da1 ============================================================================== final data time listed is midpoint of sampling period; sampling period is 150 seconds for Acetone and Methanol, overall accuracy is the greater of +/-10pptv or +/-25% the "S_" before the species name is to designate Singh GMT S_Acetone S_Methanol ============================================================================== comments from file pc971028.da1 ============================================================================== Instrument was calibrated using latex spheres (refractive index 1.59). comment Warning: Occasionally, measurements in a particular size bin may be too high. Size distributions should be examined before the data are used. comment ============================================================================== comments from file fs971028.da1 ============================================================================== Instrument was calibrated using latex spheres (refractive index 1.59). comment Warning: Occasionally, measurements in a particular size bin may be too high. Size distributions should be examined before the data are used. comment ============================================================================== comments from file model/mj971028.da1 ============================================================================== The photochemical model is constrained to reproduce the observed jvalues (JNO2 and J(O3->O(1D)), by scaling the UV flux. TOMS ozone column is used along the flight track. ============================================================================== comments from file model/mc971028.da1 ============================================================================== The photochemical model is for clear-sky conditions (no clouds and zero gound albedo). TOMS ozone column is used along the flight track. ============================================================================== comments from file uc971028.da1 ============================================================================== Measurements below detection limits are indicated by 0. Compound/Lower LOD below/Accuracy/Precision H-1301/none/5%/2% F-22/none/5%/2% F-12/none/2%/1% CH3Cl/none/5%/5% F-114/none/5%?/1.5% H-1211/none/5%/2% H-2402/none/5%/5% F-11/none/2%/1% F-113/none/2%/1.5% CH2Cl2/none/10%/3% CHCl3/none/5%/5-10% C2HCl3/none/10%/5-10% C2Cl4/none/10%/1-5% CH3Br/none/5%/4% CH2Br2/none/10%-20%/5-10% CHBr3/0.01 pptv/10%-20%/10-20% CH3I/none/10%-20%/5-10% MeONO2/none/10%-20%/10-20% EtONO2/none/10%-20%/10-20% 2-PrONO2/none/10%-20%/10-20% 1-PrONO2/0.02 pptv/10%-20%/10-20% 2-BuONO2/0.02 pptv/10%-20%/10-20% Ethane/none/5%/1% or 2 pptv Ethene/2 pptv/10%/3% Ethyne/none/5%/1% or 2 pptv Propane/none/5%/1% or 2 pptv Propene/2 pptv/10%/3% i-butane/2 pptv/5%/1% or 2 pptv n-butane/2 pptv/5%/1% or 2 pptv i-pentane/2 pptv/5%/1% or 2 pptv n-pentane/2 pptv/5%/1% or 2 pptv Me-cyclohexane/2 pptv/5%/2% or 2 pptv heptane/2 pptv/5%/2% or 2 pptv octane/2 pptv/5%/2% or 2 pptv nonane/2 pptv/5%/2% or 2 pptv benzene/2 pptv/5%/5% or 3 pptv toluene/2 pptv/5%/5% or 3 pptv p-xylene/2 pptv/5%/5% or 3 pptv ethylbenzene/2 pptv/5%/5% or 3 pptv o-xylene/2 pptv/5%/5% or 3 pptv Please contact PI Donald R. Blake [dblake@orion.oac.uci.edu] (949) 824-4195 for important information regarding possible growth of Ethene Propane Benzene Toluene in some sample canisters. ============================================================================== comments from file pv971028.da1 ============================================================================== Time lat lon pres(mb) PV units ============================================================================== comments from file mm971028.da1 ============================================================================== System calibration is in progress, final data will be released in the near future. At the current data revision, vertical wind (W) precision is within specification; however the absolute value is showing an erronous correlation with TAS and altitude. Log10 turbulence values (normally < 0) are sign-reversed when the turbulent sampling wavenumber is less than the buoyancy wavenumber. Under such conditions, computed dissipation rates may not be quantitative. For explanation, see Chan et al., "Turbulence Measurements by the DC-8 Meteorological Measurement System", Goephys. Res. Letters, SUCCESS special section, 1998. EGI navigation data, temperature compensated pressures, dynamic pressure Q (29) 1Hz data are desampled from 5Hz data. 5Hz data file is available upon request, containing: GMTS,Psta,Tsta,TAS, U,V,W,TURB,LAT,LONG,PALT,POT,ROLL,HDG,PIT,Ydot,Xdot,Zdot,Q,YAW,AOA,MACH, Zdotdot,YAWdp,AOAdp. (approx. 3 Mbyte per flight hour) Contact: bui@mms.arc.nasa.gov, (650) 604-5534 C:\sonex.cv\d_971028.cv GMT Psta Tsta Thta U V W TEDR 0 999999