Associated content: 

Taylor Shingler, Tony Notari and Joe Lee of the DIAL Team

Natty Brockway, Katie Tuite and Jochen Stutz of the mini-DOAS Team

Claire Robinson, Edward Winstead and Rich Moore of the LARGE Team

Josh DiGangi, Hannah Halliday and Glenn Diskin of the DLH/DACOM Team

Steve Schill (A/C IT) and Joe Kattich of the SP2 instrument team

CARE Rack on the way to being installed

Paul Martinez and Brennan Wehr (A/C Ops Engineers) working on O2 system upgrade

Petter Weibring of the CAMS Team

Andy Neuman and Pat Veres of the NOAA Iodide CIMS Team

Jeff Peischl and Ilan Bourgeois of the NOyO3 Team


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